automobile accidents

Automobile accidents are usually quick, violent in terms of property damage and injuries, and sometimes difficult to sort out in terms of which party caused them. Injuries range from relatively minor muscle and ligament sprains and strains to fractured bones to herniated discs in the neck and back, and, unfortunately, all the way up to head trauma, and in severe cases, brain damage. As can be well imagined, the force of over one ton of steel striking another object, being another vehicle, or, heaven forbid, you as a pedestrian, even at a relatively modest speed, can be devastating. With traffic on the roads and highways in the Philadelphia metropolitan area (including South Jersey) ever increasing in density and numbers, auto accidents are more common than ever. They often result in a complex interplay of medical treatment, insurance coverages and payments from sometimes multiple sources, and, naturally, interpretation of the motor vehicle and negligence laws. Sometimes your own insurance company can be difficult to deal with for recovering the true amount of money due to put your car on the road again and running right, and they can also be tough to work with in paying your medical bills for treatment of accident related injuries.
The easiest and most direct way to find your way out of the forest in this neck of the woods is to call ADAMS RENZI LAW and put us to work for you. From dealing with your insurance carrier to get your PIP (payment of your medical bills and wage loss) started, to representing you in a case to recover damages against the party who caused the accident, we will smoothly guide you and your loved ones through the whole process. We have over 25+ years of experience in representing auto accident victims, and have experienced paralegals, support staff and attorneys who are very familiar with the whole system, and know exactly how to make it work for you. ADAMS RENZI also has something many other law firms do not–a trial lawyer who represented insurance companies before she decided to change sides and find more fulfillment in representing the injured accident victim. This allows her–and us to have a unique perspective on your case. Thus, another reason to put ADAMS RENZI to work for you.
Types of Auto Accidents We Handle
Distracted Driving
Traffic Violations
Drunk Driving
Driving While Texting
Driving While Using a Cell Phone
Uber, Lyft, Ride Sharing
Fatal Car Accidents
Pedestrians Struck by Motor Vehicle
Hit and Run Accidents
Route 1, The Boulevard
PA Turnpike
NJ Turnpike
Red Light Intersectional Collisions
Left Hand Turn Accidents
Head On Collisions
Multi-Vehicle Accidents
Traumatic Brain Injury
Failure to Yield
Traffic Accidents
Construction Accidents

A fall from scaffolding. A defective tool. Unsafe actions of co-workers.
All of these incidents, and many more, happen every day on construction sites throughout Pennsylvania and the United States. And, in most cases, the injured worker is not at fault, but instead is the victim of dangerous conditions or practices of the worksite or employer. If you have been involved in an accident and are injured, you should seek legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s construction accident lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Even if you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you may have a lawsuit against another party and be entitled to significant compensations.
Who may be responsible?
Employer: If you are injured on the job and disabled from work, your employer is generally required to pay workers’ compensation benefits. You cannot file a lawsuit against your employer for pain and suffering, but you may be able to seek recovery from other parties.
Other Parties: If someone other than your co-workers or employer caused your injury, you may have a lawsuit against them. For instance, if you were injured due to the fault of another sub-contractor on the job, you may have a lawsuit against that sub-contractor for your lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, etc.
Key to Success: The key to success in a construction-accident case is quick investigation. A construction site is always changing. As a result, evidence may be lost, misplaced, destroyed or altered. As construction-accident attorneys, we personally go out to the site immediately to inspect the site and secure potential evidence.
Types of Construction Accidents We Handle
OSHA Violations
Fall from Ladder
Fall from Scaffolding
Trench Collapse
Heavy Equipment Injury
Structural Collapse
Electrical Accidents
Crane Accidents
Workers’ Compensation

Have you been injured on the job?
Don’t leave your future in the hands of an ordinary attorney or paralegal.
Other law firms will have you meet with paralegals instead of attorneys. At Adams Renzi Law, you will meet with the attorney personally who will handle your sensitive matter from start to settlement.
You may have received workers compensation payments already — but don’t assume you are receiving all you are entitled to.
And, if your employer or its insurer does not deal with you fairly, the law says you may also be entitled to penalties, interest and/or attorney’s fees.
To truly know what you should be receiving to compensate you for your injury, you should seek legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s worker’s compensation lawyers. Call 215-546-4208 or fill out the form below to begin.
I was injured on the job, how come I am not receiving benefits?
If the insurance company has completed its investigation into your claim, there may be a number of reasons why you are not receiving benefits. The insurance company may deny your claim on the basis that you were not injured on the job, or that your injury was not disabling, among other reasons. If the insurance company denies your claim, you should consult an attorney who may be able to file a Claim Petition on your behalf with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. This will initiate the process to obtain your benefits.
I am receiving workers’ compensation benefits, and I received a Suspension/Termination Petition in the mail; what do I do?
Consult an attorney immediately. If you have received a Suspension/Termination Petition in the mail, the insurance company is attempting to stop or reduce your benefits. Shortly, you will get a notice of hearing in front of a Workers’ Compensation Judge.
How will I hire an attorney if I have no money?
The law permits an attorney to charge a contingency fee. This means that if the attorney is successful in obtaining worker’s compensation benefits for you, the attorney is entitled to a percentage of your benefits.
I was injured on the job, is it important for me to tell my supervisor?
Yes. If you are injured on the job, you should immediately tell your supervisor that you sustained a work-related injury. You should tell them how the accident happened and what part of your body was injured.
I was injured on the job and my employer wants me to go to the occupational health clinic. I have my own doctor and do not want to go there. Do I have to go?
The law states that your employer should post a list of panel physicians for employees who are injured on the job. If your employer posted a list of panel physicians, you have a choice to go to a physician on the list. If the employee wants the medical bills paid by the employer for the work-injury, they have to treat with the panel physician for ninety (90) days following the work injury. If you treat with your family doctor during the first ninety (90) days, the employer is not required to reimburse the doctor for the medical bills.
However, an injured worker is not always required to treat with the panel physicians, especially if the Employer did not follow the proper procedures. In order to determine whether you must treat with the panel physicians, you should consult an attorney at Adams Renzi Law.
I am concerned that my Employer will deny my work injury on the basis that I have a pre-existing condition when I injured the same body part at work. What do I do?
The Workers' Compensation Act states that a work injury includes aggravation of your pre-existing condition. So, if you were able to work with your pre-existing condition, and you sustained a work injury that now disables you, you deserve to be compensated for your wage loss and medical bills. The attorneys at Adams Renzi Law are experienced with pre-existing conditions and are happy to help.
Types of Workers’ Compensation Injuries
Broken/fractured bones
Back problems/pain
Knee problems/injuries
Grip loss
Heart attacks
Wrist injuries including carpal tunnel syndrome
Shoulder pain
Repetitive stress injuries
Neck pain
Scars from the neck up, even if surgical.
Social Security Disability

Most people have heard of the retirement benefits Social Security provides, but fewer know about the help Social Security can give you should you become unable to work. If you meet the government’s definition of ‘disability,’ you can receive payments from this government-run insurance policy.
A disability is any medical condition that prevents you from working on a regular full-time job for at least 12 consecutive months. This condition can be physical, emotional, or a combination of the two. The Social Security disability benefit can pay you while you cannot work. But without legal help, getting these benefits is difficult.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s Social Security disability lawyers.
You will always meet with an attorney. We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your condition and the other people affected. Then, with our knowledge of the Social Security disability system, we well get you the payments to which you are entitled.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the result you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Even if you have already started the process or have been denied Social Security benefits, talk to us at Adams Renzi. You may be entitled to significant compensation. This is where Adams Renzi can help.

Wrongful Death
Losing a loved one to an accident, medical malpractice, or violence may be the most traumatic event in your life. Don’t make it worse by not investigating whether someone was at fault for your loss.
When someone passes away from a cause other than old age, there may be a person, hospital, or company that is responsible. If they had acted properly, they could have avoided your loved one’s death. This situation is called ‘wrongful death,’ and those left behind must get to the truth of the matter.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s wrongful death lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your loss, what lead to it, and the people affected. Then, we will find who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
But, you have to act quickly. In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations requires that you file a wrongful death lawsuit within two years from the date of death or the date you discovered the malpractice to preserve your legal claim to compensation.
Wrongful deaths can occur from:
Medical malpractice
Hazardous property or buildings
Criminal violence
Failure to take proper care of the person
The key to success in a wrongful death case is working with lawyers who know Pennsylvania’s wrongful death law and have the experience and resources to prove your wrongful death claim. This is where Adams Renzi can help.
Defective & Unsafe Product Injury

We all purchase and use products thinking they have been properly designed, tested, and built with the purchaser’s safety in mind. However, many times this is not the case and those products can rightly be called “unsafe” – and their use can cause injury or death.
Unsafe products can be found in the home and workplace. Regardless of where the product is found, its manufacturer has an obligation to provide the public with a safe product. If a product is sold in a condition unreasonably dangerous to the user or consumer, the manufacturer may be held liable for the harm.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s unsafe product injury lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find out who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
In order to determine whether a product is defective, it generally requires the opinion of an expert, such as an engineer or other type of specialist. Product liability cases can be extremely technical and require the attention of an attorney who knows the law. This is where Adams Renzi can help.
Examples of Defective and Unsafe Products:
Dangerous Product Design
Failure to have Safety Warnings
Failure to Adequately Warn
Lack of Guarding on Machines;
Poorly Maintained Equipment
Failure to have a Safety Shut Off within Reach;
Products that Topple Over
Furniture that Topples Over
Asphalt Grinding Machine without Safety Shut Off
Failure to have Proper Safety Mechanisms
Heavy Equipment Injuries
Automobile Rollover Cases
Why us? Adams Renzi Law has achieved many six figure settlements for injured clients due to defective product cases.

Slip-And-Fall Accidents
You expect to be safe when entering a building, walking on the sidewalk, or entering a store. Yet many people are injured from falls in these and many other places. Many times, these falls would have been prevented had the property owner simply took the time to assure his property was safe.
Slip-and-fall accidents can occur from a variety of causes, such as icy sidewalks, messy or cluttered store isles, uneven pavement, or improperly maintained steps. If you have been injured in this way, you should seek legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s slip-and-fall injury lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find out who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Even if you were injured while attending to a non-business matter, you may have a lawsuit against another party and be entitled to significant compensation.
The key to success in a slip-and-fall case is quick investigation because a property owner may change the dangerous condition before you have sought legal help. As a result, evidence may be lost, misplaced, destroyed or altered. This is where Adams Renzi can help.
Examples of Slip and Fall Cases:
Supermarket Falls due to Dangerous Condition on the Floor
Failure to Maintain Sidewalks
Failure to Inspect the Isles of a Store for Dangerous Conditions
Tripping on Raised Concrete
Tripping on Uneven Concrete
Tripping on Cracked and Dangerous Pavement
Fall in Pothole
Foot Caught in Missing Water Vent Cap
Foot Caught in Missing Gas Cap
Fall Caused by Missing Cable Box Cover
Defect on the Sidewalk
Fall in Store due to Wet Conditions
Failure to Remove Snow from Sidewalk
Inadequate Snow Removal
Failure to Salt in Icy Conditions
Leaking Roof onto the Sidewalk that Freezes
Medical Malpractice

When a routine medical procedure turns tragic, you need to get legal help. When you have seen a doctor, but the results just don’t seem ‘right’ you need to get legal help. When you are in more pain after seeing the doctor than before you were, you certainly need to get legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s medical malpractice lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find out who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Each year in the United States, thousands of patients die or are forever injured when a doctor, clinic, hospital, or other healthcare professional fails to follow the accepted standards of care during treatment.
Mistakes that should be investigated:
Failure to diagnose a medical condition
Nursing home neglect
Fall in hospital
Fall in nursing home
Failure to diagnose cancer
Inattention to patient condition
Injuries during birth
Hospital infections
Improper amputation
Surgical tools left in the patient
Incorrect medicine or dosage
The key to success in a medical malpractice case is having an experienced lawyer by your side. This is where Adams Renzi can help.

Liquor Liability
A person is served too many alcoholic drinks at a restaurant or bar and who is visibly intoxicated. Then tragic consequences occur, when that same intoxicated person gets in a car and kills someone.
If this type of incident has touched your life or that of a loved one, you should know that the owner of the restaurant or bar can be sued for damages. But legal action must be taken quickly to protect the injured person’s (or family’s) rights.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s liquor liability lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to you describe the incident. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find out who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Adams Renzi Law is one of the few law firms who has tried liquor liability cases to verdict with successful results. The Legal Intelligencer, September 27, 2005 reports "Racial Attack Brings Six-Figure Jury Award In Dram Shop Case." Christy Adams, Esquire obtained a $750,000 jury award to a Chinese man who was assaulted by two other men at the tail end of a drinking binge. The case was rare, if not unique, because it involves an off-the-premises assault, as opposed to a motor vehicle accident or a bar room brawl. The men were sued along with the two bars for serving the them while visibility intoxicated.
Pharmaceutical Liability

You expect when you take medicine that it will help you recover from an illness, lessen symptoms, or reduce pain. You expect that the medicine prescribed has been well tested and is safe for use. You place your trust in your doctor and the company that made the medicine.
But all too often, the medicine has not been fully tested and causes illness, injury, or even death to the patient. Sometimes the problems arise years after initially taking the medicine. In a time when you are unsure of what to do, you need to see legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s unsafe drug injury lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your injuries and the other people affected. Then, we will find out who was responsible.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.
Contact us immediately if you have experienced illness or injury from:
PPI Drugs
Ortho Evra
AMO Complete MoisturePLUS
Even if you took these drugs many years ago, you may have a lawsuit against the drug maker or another party and be entitled to significant compensation.
HomeOwner Claims

As a homeowner, you pay your insurance premiums in good faith, trusting that your insurance company will hold up its end of the contract in the event that your home is damaged or destroyed.
However, many homeowners find themselves in fierce conflict with their insurance companies when trying to recover their losses that are supposedly covered by their homeowners’ insurance policies.
The insurance company may claim that the damage is pre-existing, or is not covered under the specific terms of the residential property policy. If the insurance company offers any money at all to settle your homeowners’ claim, it may seem insufficient.
In this type of case, you should seek legal help.
At Adams Renzi, we are here to help. We are Philadelphia’s home owner claim lawyers.
We will start by compassionately listening to your experiences. We will discuss your losses and the people affected. Then, we will fight for you against the insurance company.
At the end, you will know you received Philadelphia’s most thorough legal representation along with the settlement or verdict you deserve. We do not get paid until you do.

Motorcycle Accidents
If you have been the unfortunate victim of a motorcycle accident, you may have suffered from serious injuries and damages, including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, scarring, damage to your motorcycle, and, wage loss. While recovering from your injuries, the last thing you want to deal with is an insurance company that is trying to place the blame for the accident on you in an attempt to avoid paying for your losses.
A motorcycle accident can be a trying time for the accident victim, as well as the victim’s family. While you focus your attention on physically healing from your injuries, you need an attorney to focus on making sure you and your family will have the resources that are necessary to sustain you while you recover from your injuries. These resources can include assisting with the coverage of medical bills by your insurance carrier, making sure you are paid for time missed from work, and ensuring you receive all of the medical treatment you need to recover.
If you or a loved one was involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important that you have an attorney on your side that will fight for your rights as a motorcycle accident victim. The attorneys of Adams Renzi Law have represented and fought for motorcycle accident victims in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to get those victims the benefits they deserve.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault, you have a right to bring a claim. Our office has the ability to handle these matters discretely in order to minimize the victim's trauma. In some cases, a lawsuit can be brought under a John Doe or Jane Doe to prevent the identity of the victim to become public. There can be a life time of anxiety and anguish following a sexual assault.
Often times, there is a police investigation following a sexual assault. Adams Renzi Law has teamed up with Eileen Hurley, Esquire, who is a pre-eminent criminal defense attorney. Eileen will assist with navigating the criminal matter. You do not have to go to criminal court alone. You will be fully prepared and know what to expect. Eileen has worked for 15 years in the Philadelphia District Attorney's office representing victims of sexual assault in the Special Victims Unit. She understands the nature of the crime, the mentality of the criminals and the compassion needed for the victims. Adams Renzi Law will work on your case in conjunction with Eileen Hurley, Esquire to get the best possible compensation.

Eileen Hurley
Trial Attorney
Representing victims of sexual assault in private practice following
20+ years in the Philadelphia District Attorney's office representing victims

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